This was my first time giving tickets and I could not have been happier with my size of entry, thank you to those who brought their lovely dogs for me to judge. I also was made to feel very welcome and relaxed by the committee at Richmond and my two excellent and experienced stewards. Thank you all.
VD 1 (0)
1st Baumann’s Multi Ch Regalflight Tarloch BV What a fabulous showman. So sound and positive in movement. Typical head with a dark eye and faraway expression. Good reach to neck leading into a correct front with a delightful and rare spring of pastern. Hind end also well angulated finishing in lovely low hocks. Would like more rise over loin. Lovely to see a veteran enjoying his day so much.
SBDog 1 (0)
1st Steele & Tannant’s Greyhawks Lacho With Tannantside BSB
Fairly typical head, soft dark eye, neat ears but slightly weak in underjaw. Forehand assembly rather far forward. Up on the leg at the moment and lacking in angulation, good droop to croup, would prefer more second thigh and lower hocks. Moved out well, long active stride, very sound coming and going. Dark super coarse coat.
PD 1 (0)
Steele & Pink’s Theon of the Storm BP
Very attractively coated dog with a correct coarseness and striking colours. Smallest of ears, held well in their ‘rose’. Neck a little long, plenty of fore chest, good feet. Good rise over loin but a little steep in croup, would prefer more bend at stifle. Very well ribbed back, good depth of chest for his age. Moved freely in side profile, a little wide at elbow coming, sound going.
JD 2 (1)
Llewellyn’s Hunky Dory Bowie At Kilbourne TAF
A well grown, strong looking male with a very attractive head with dark eyes and very correct ears. Neck very strong at nape with good reach and breadth. Fair front lacking a little in return of upper arm. Chest deep although I would prefer a longer sternum with further ribbing back. Plenty of rise over loin into a drooping croup and wide hips. Super coat.
PGD 6 (1)
An interesting class to judge, not without its challenges as all the entry were very different from each other.
1st Steele’s Sorimsway Valient Hero
Very pale coated dog with dark points. Rather light in eye, side profile of head masculine and attractive. Plenty of width in front and broad hips with a good second thigh although overall I would have preferred more muscle tone. A very balanced dog who out moved the class with very easy, sound and positive steps, holding his top line.
2nd Pink’s Greyhawks Romanie Chor
Handsome dog with a good head, eye a little light. Overall powerful with good bone, a little narrow in front and would prefer more return to upper arm. Well ribbed back, moved well coming and going, tended to flatten top line on the move.
3rd Finnet & Heathcote’s Hyndsight Pilgrim
LD 2 (0)
Although only 2 entries this was the hardest class. Both dogs have very good attributes and stood well but presented challenges moving.
1st Baumann & Lucas Packway Loxley Norton
Attractive paler grey dog with an incredibly handsome head. Something about this dogs expression that is heart melting. Reasonable neck into a very good front, plenty of fore chest and good spring to pastern, good feet. Top line rises a little early and is held tight on the move. Hindquarters strong with plenty droop, good width to second thigh. A sound mover when settled otherwise showed a tendency to pace.
2nd Girling’s Pyefleet Timothy
Pale grey dog with a very pleasing standing outline, all flowing curves. Less refined head than 1, good ears and strong underjaw. Thick mane disguising a very correct and strong neck. Pleasingly well matched angulation in front and behind. Moved soundly coming and going but in side profile dipped at the withers, held his head low and fell on to his forehand. Pity.
OD 4 (1)
1st Constantine’s CH Kaleginy The Forester Sh.CM DCC & BOB
A strongly constructed dog both graceful and powerful with good bone. Eye a little fuller than I would like, ears could be smaller. Neck wide and strong as it should be, leading in to a front with good width, would prefer a little more spring of pastern. Feet good. Well ribbed back with just the right amount of spring of rib. Moderate rise over the loin which was very strong and he held it very well on the move. Hind quarters well-constructed and plenty of width to his second thigh. Movement so easy, active and true. A very nice dog with no exaggerations. A worthy champion.
2nd Pink’s Greyhawks Romanie Drom RDCC
A curvaceous handsome male. Typical head, strong neck which can look a little stuffy under his plentiful mane. Didn’t have quite the front movement of 1 . Good substance throughout with plenty of depth and correct ribbing. Super rise over the loin which he also held well. Very powerful hindquarters with a pleasing droop and wide set hips. Enjoyable to watch on side profile. Happy to award him the RDCC. 3rd Finnett and Heathcote Ch Hyndsight Desperado
1 (0)
1st Meer’s Hyndsight Ripley Into Shagiead
What a beautiful veteran. So graceful, so feminine with a glorious head. Neck could be a little longer, curvaceous overall with good spring of rib, lovely rise over the loin. Plenty of length of hip to hock, good second thigh and lovely low hocks. Very easy true movement. Lost out to the veterans dogs sheer enthusiasm.
JB 2 (1)
1st Wilce Quinton’s Kilbourne Louisa Chick At Kirjojax
Alone but still a worthy winner. Feminine head with a truly lovey expression. Strong neck for one so young leading into a good front, good spring of pastern and very good feet. The flow of curves continues well over her loin down to good low hocks. Needs to come down in chest, which I am sure she will. Moved very well both coming and going and in side profile. Very promising youngster.
PGB 8 (2)
1st Finnett and Heathcote’s Hyndsight Careless Whisper
Dark coarsely coated pretty bitch with a lovely expression. Good ears and dark eyes encapsulating ‘moderately full’. Strong neck, especially for a bitch, leading into a good front, well angulated with good pasterns. Overall would prefer a longer leg to match her proportions. Deep chest and good top line , quarters broad but fall away a little too steep. Moved soundly.
2nd Llewellyn’s Kilbourne Mistress Martha At Matahari
Dark, shorter coated bitch with a rather strong head and expression. Powerful and workmanlike to go over. Would prefer her upper arm more underneath her but she moved out in front really well. Top line has a modest but perceptible rise over the loin which she kept well on the move. Very well-muscled, strong thighs, enabling her to move in very good balance around the ring. Looks like she could work all day.
3rd Wilce Quintons Kilbourne Marie Claire At Kirjojax
LB 3 (1)
1st Morton and Morgan’s Chuilinn Ballad
A substantial girl. A little strong in the head but with very high set ears and grey beard grizzle softening the whole picture. Well ached neck of good length leading to good front with plenty of fore chest and width. Loin a little long and carrying some extra pounds yet she still feels strong. Strong hind end with plenty of drive. Totally won the class on movement. She really looked like she could go all day without tiring. A joy to watch move.
2nd Lucas and Dargonne’s Packway Little Loxley
The most beautiful of heads, I noted I also said the same of her brother’s head, winner of LD, just something quite exquisite about her expression. Neck a little weaker than 1, very good front and feet. Would prefer more rise over her loin, although it was strong and well muscled. Nicely shaped hind quarter’s great width to thigh. Moved out very well, with plenty of purpose and drive.
OB 3 (0)
1st Finnett and Heathcote’s Ch Hyndsight Because The Night BCC
Femmine bitch, all curves and grace. Dark harsh coat, kind expression, ears held high and nicely folded. Neck well arched and strong at nape. Super topline. Front legs nicely underneath her and plenty of fore chest and width. Feet a little long. Good depth and width throughout, a lovely flow to her. Powerful croup, great breadth of thighs. Generally would prefer her a little longer on the leg to complete an already very pleasing picture Moved very soundly and true. Another worthy champion and joy to go over.
2nd Lucas and Dargonne’s Hyndsight Reason to Believe RBCC
Mother of the heads I so admired and now I see where they got it from. Prettiest of girls, unbelievably strong neck that is well muscled. Super front, good strong feet. Good depth throughout the chest, top line could have more rise over the loin. Good length from hip to hock. Crisp coat. Like my CC dog she is a bitch of no exaggerations with very sound and easy movement that she could do all day. Very happy to award her the RCC.
3rd Morton, Morgan and Constantine’s Cotherstone Islay Mist At Kaleginy
Liza Faircloth